
NomJohn Deere 4940 Self-Propelled Sprayer
AuteurCustom Modding
Nom du
Taille55,32 Mo
Description John Deere 4940 Self-Propelled Sprayer “S.M.A.R.T.” has a whole new meaning at John Deere. It stands for “Spray More Acres in Reduced Time.” Model: 4940 Self-Propelled Sprayer Max speed: 52 km/h Price: USD $195.000 Power: 340 HP Drive: Full-time 4WD Fuel tank capacity: 587 Liters / 155 gal Tank Capacity: 4542 Liters / 1200 gal Boom: 120 ft / 36 meter Spray speed range: 0-35 km/h 0-20 mph Boom Price: USD $84.990 Drybox Price: USD $48.000 Features: - Drybox - 120-ft boom - StarFire 3000 option - 4-wheel independent dynamic suspension - Entrance animation: Ladder and Steering Wheel - Joystick animation: Forward, Neutral/Park and Reverse - Monitors with realistic animations: Speed, hours, hectares worked, etc. - Support for Drybox and 120-ft boom coupling - Direct Injecton option (120-ft boom) - Load Command System option (120-ft boom) - GreenStar 3 Monitor with Spray Star and Spread Star - Tires RowCrop / LSW - Fenders options - Beacon options - Support to the Manure System for resilient loading